Photo Walk Workshop  

May 21th Dahlonega, Georgia
Historic Dahlonega
May 21, 2022 at 6:30pm
Cost: $125.00 Class limited to 12 photographers

Come walk with me as we explore the photo possibilities in the historic Dahlonega. We will take a look at long exposure photography and combine it with street photography. Once the sun goes down a whole new world unfolds and a photographer can discover a different way of creating images.

Limiting the class size allows me to give each student some individual time in addition to class instruction.

Here's what you need: Digital camera with manual settings, self timer, memory card and tripod. A laptop computer with Adobe Lightroom or equivalent editing software installed is not required, but it might be helpful.  Oh yeah ... bring your rain gear, I wasn't kidding rain or shine and you'll be glad you did, if it rains.

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